The John Clay Wolfe Show powered by GiveMeTheVIN.com. Every week we talk about cars, sports, sex, drugs and rock & roll.... just about anything as long as it won’t get us fined by the FCC. Also you can listen to the full library of older shows on PodBean by searching ”The John Clay Wolfe Show+”.

Friday Feb 14, 2025
JCW ARCHIVE: Nascar Race Theory
Friday Feb 14, 2025
Friday Feb 14, 2025
When a Nascar correspondent has an awkward interview with a pit crew member, Turley decides to set John and Bobbo up for a hilariously insensitive failure with one question. The crew throws their bids in to the hat of most racist things you could say in this situation, but none of them could fathom just how ridiculous reality can get!
Thanks for joining us for this week's #JCWPodcast #JCWArchive. Please don't forget to Like, Share, and most importantly, Subscribe--to make sure you get the latest John Clay Wolfe Show materials as soon as they're released! So keep an eye out for that red Kool Aid...and we'll see you Saturday

Saturday Feb 08, 2025
#491 John Clay Wolfe Show 02.08.25
Saturday Feb 08, 2025
Saturday Feb 08, 2025
It's Superbowl Weekend y'all! Hang onto your saddles for this one ol' buddy, because this week's show is a fun, bumpy ride: John's special guest Pat Green has been hanging around Walnut Springs, checking out the scene--and he's joining us on program! Of course, Johnny C. has some top-notch Car Talk for you, from classics, hot rods and wannabe 'resto mods' to...an E450 party bus?! Yes indeed. PLUS, Gigi's got some stories to tell about what happens to fellas who get caught cattin' around on their significnt others--and vandalizing said fella's car is only the beginnning...JD Ryan has got a briefcase full of fantastically funny news items you'll want to hear, Bobbo's got a whole Saucerful of Pink Floyd (in a special 'Trippers Only' edition of BackTrax), the Colonel, Mike Turley, has one more chance to out-wager John in this week's batch of Superbowl picks, predictions and 'Prop' bets...and catch up with our old friends Johnny Cash, Rush Limbo, Randy the Chipmunk, and a lot more! And hey--it's Saturday, so we've got a whole truckbed full of ice cold Natty Lights for ya. Thanks for hangin' around with us.

Friday Feb 07, 2025
JCW ARCHIVE: My Son, The Wingman
Friday Feb 07, 2025
Friday Feb 07, 2025
John will never forget the day his dad took him to the rodeo, but what's so memorable about it is the strippers he had in tow! John had a good time but he couldn't help but wonder why his father created these precarious situations, but what else is father and son bonding all about? Turns out everybody's had a bit of a wild run, except for Gigi, who we still need to get in to a strip club!
Thanks for joining us for this week's #JCWPodcast #JCWArchive. Please don't forget to Like, Share, and most importantly, Subscribe--to make sure you get the latest John Clay Wolfe Show materials as soon as they're released! So keep an eye out for thiccums...and we'll see you Saturday

Saturday Feb 01, 2025
#490 John Clay Wolfe Show 02.01.25
Saturday Feb 01, 2025
Saturday Feb 01, 2025
Hey y'all, welcome back! We've got a wing ding of a program for you this time around, so sit back and see if you can catch all of this: Johnny C. has got BIG plans for Walnut Springs, which has got him pretty tied up...it also provides a veritable wealth of great stories from our little town: running a high-end Mexican cantina is fun, but brings a lot of the kind of drama you can only experience with running one of only three restaurants in a small town; and the inaugural Texas Rattlesnake Biker Rally is coming in May!
Meanwhile on the John Clay Wolfe Show, Gigi's ripe and ready to celebrate some Black History Month! Our own newshound, JD Ryan, has some scary (but still hilarious) crime stories in his Sunshine State News collection of Florida tidbits; we check out the big goings-on at the Fire Aid benefit concert for Los Angeles wildfire relief, with great musical bits from the Red Hot Chili Peppers, Pink!, Stevie Wonder and Sting, Green Day, a Nirvana reunion, and more! Bobbo's also got a hot n' heavy round of Wolfe Pack Jeopardy! too, which always brings out the competitive side of our crew...and Turley brings John's attention to the proposition of just ONE MORE round of betting before the Superbowl, so listen close and get your 'Prop Bets' ready. And of course, you'll get our inimitable take on sports, music and Pop culture, politics and world news...so forget that other Saturday nonsense and spend the day with the Wolfe Pack! We've got an ice-cold Natty light with your name on it. Cheers!

Friday Jan 31, 2025
Friday Jan 31, 2025
Friday Jan 31, 2025
John's getting some insight into the legal weed biz and it truns out his marijuana sensei has a long rap sheet. I guess the radio business brings out the real characters because we go from mountain lion maulings to partying at a Duran Duran concert to Indonesia. That 90's cocaine was hitting different!
Thanks for joining us for this week's #JCWPodcast #JCWArchive. Please don't forget to Like, Share, and most importantly, Subscribe--to make sure you get the latest John Clay Wolfe Show materials as soon as they're released! So keep an eye out for those cougar fleas...and we'll see you Saturday

Saturday Jan 25, 2025
#489 John Clay Wolfe Show 01.25.25
Saturday Jan 25, 2025
Saturday Jan 25, 2025
Welcome back neighbor--hope you're surefoot and steady, because this week's show packs a heck of a wallop! John Clay took our new President's remarks about ending censorship to heart--and has decided that it applies to us elegant nitwits in the radio biz...so you'll hear plenty of topics that ride right up to the line of what the FCC might find just short of exceptionable: we've got stories about the massage industry, "little" people, raw deals, small town politics, and the madddening unreliability of contractors. John's also got a feast of cars to try and get bought--and this week's menu has some real dandies! Of course, JD Ryan has a briefcase full of fun, weird, and hilarious news stories to share, Bobbo is waxing decidedly nonplussed about the evolving political atmosphere these days, our man Turley has one more round of football wagers for John this side of the Big Game, DJ PreKay has produced another masterpiece of Rap satire you won't want to miss, and Gigi's got just enough class to keep us all safely between the lines! AND, catch up with our old friends Johnny Cash, Keith Richards, the Devil himself, and more, along with our inimitable take on music, sports, politics and pop culture. So come on in, grab a comfy spot, and crack open a fresh Natty Light--thanks for riding with the Wolfe Pack!

Friday Jan 24, 2025
JCW Archive: A Song About Asymmetry
Friday Jan 24, 2025
Friday Jan 24, 2025
Gigi is feeling a bit lopsided but luckily our compassionate fans are here to lift her spirits! We get an in depth analysis of Gigi's cleavage and the inspiration is pouring in for listener Greg J, who put his songwriting skills to use. Check out the hit song and hopefully Gigi's spirit won't be the only thing lifted!
Thanks for joining us for this week's #JCWPodcast #JCWArchive. Please don't forget to Like, Share, and most importantly, Subscribe--to make sure you get the latest John Clay Wolfe Show materials as soon as they're released! So keep an eye out for the smaller one...and we'll see you Saturday

Saturday Jan 18, 2025
#488 John Clay Wolfe Show
Saturday Jan 18, 2025
Saturday Jan 18, 2025
Welcome back, neighbor! We know you love listening to the show just as much as we love putting it together, so we'll just say we all got lucky this week, because the Wolfe Pack has got a fantastic show for you this week! Our old friend Jerry Wayne Longmire is here after his stand up show in Walnut Springs, and he brought his friend Sam Miller along, so we've got about a ton-and-a-half of extra laughs packed in for ya, as these two touring comedians tell us all about life on the road, how the come by their onstage material, and how their lives brought them to making people laugh for a living.
Of course Johnny C. is downright embroiled in gauging which units are up (and which ones are down!) in the car market--and you KNOW he can't resist sweetening the deal with priceless classics, collectibles...even a certain 'custom build' Six-By Ferrari mod that's headed to Barrett Jackson, if he and Richard Rawlings at Gas Monkey Garage can get it finished on time, that is...while JD Ryan has got all the news that's fit to laugh at, Gigi shares a sunny smile and a deliciously kinky point of view that's 'Oh So Gigi,' the Colonel, Mike Turley, has one more round of football picks, predictions, and betting propositions designed a to drain as much off the Wolfe's money as he can this side of the NFL Conference matchups, and Bobbo's got the never-before-heard story of our fighting rooster buddy Cluck Norris, and a round of Wolfe Pack Jeopardy that includes the whole JCW crew AND our new comedian friends! And, we've got our own inimitable take on sports, music, news and politics, Paul Rodgers and Bad Company in the BackTrax, and more. So have a listen and share a laugh with the Wolfe Pack--we saved an ice cold Natty Light just for you!

Friday Jan 17, 2025
JCW ARCHIVE: Dually Delinquence
Friday Jan 17, 2025
Friday Jan 17, 2025
A call about a '93 dually truck takes John down memory lane to when he had his own heavy duty truck. John was young and terrorizing the streets but he was going to be damned if he's going to let a pesky towing company keep him from rolling! Luckily, John can live out his delinquent dreams once again, as a caller sells him a dually truck live on the air. Let's roll!
Thanks for joining us for this week's #JCWPodcast #JCWArchive. Please don't forget to Like, Share, and most importantly, Subscribe--to make sure you get the latest John Clay Wolfe Show materials as soon as they're released! So keep an eye out for Sergio...and we'll see you Saturday

Saturday Jan 11, 2025
#487 John Clay Wolfe Show 01.11.25
Saturday Jan 11, 2025
Saturday Jan 11, 2025
Hang on friends, 'cause this week's show is a bumpy ride! First things first: we're all sick with worry about our friends in California and their devastating loss and terrifying challenge of handling the massive wildfires they're dealing with--and we encourage you to help any way you can, at redcross.org.
John and his friend Richard Rawlings from Gas Monkey Garage are a wee bit stressed out about the status of their "Six-by Ferrari" super mod car, which the engineering team have delivered with a less-than-finished status--will they make it to the Barrett Jackson auction on time?! We've also got college playoff football results: looks like the first CFP matchup will pit the Ohio State Buckeyes against the Fighting Irish of Notre Dame! We'll share all of our opinions, impressions, and the experience of watching the game together (even JD Ryan joined us for the fun!)...speaking of JD, this week he's brought us a whole mountain of weird and funny news items that you won't want to miss; John shares an especially odd/dangerous story of how social media can make people in a small town go from simply argumentative, to mean-spirited, to nearly homicidal! And while Gigi adds a splash of class and the latest on that nasty man PDiddy,, Bobbo commits the most monumental JCW Show contest "screwup" in recent history...and of course, you'll want to catch our inimitable takes on music, sports, world news and politics...oh! And John's still in the business of buying cars, and he's got some feisty prospective sellers that'll keep you highly amused. So come on in, grab a spot, and join us for a toast. Saturday's all ours, neighbor! Thanks for hanging with the Wolfe Pack.